True Lies: Getting over past hurts.

By Assoc Prof John Eden

Living in the post-modern world, it is easy to focus on material things and neglect the mind and spirit. There are many negative, fearful messages and stories on TV, the internet and in our newspapers. If you let them, these can affect you. Some people do it to themselves by pronouncing statements like, “I am worthless, or I am stupid” and repeating them over and over can give these vows a life of their own until they become – True Lies. Others hold onto their spiritual pain because they have made forgiveness conditional upon things they have no control over, such as the other person changing their behaviour or being brought to justice. All the major world religions agree – love, compassion and forgiveness are healing to the individual and the community. So why do so few people forgive? In ‘True Lies’, Dr John Eden takes you on an exploration of the soul – the mind, the emotions and the will. He reveals the barriers to inner healing and how to get over them. The road to peace and joy begins by looking inward and learning to forgive and so begin to let go of past hurts.

To purchase a copy of True Lies you can pick it up at the WHRIA clinic or via emailing

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